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Kahuku Hare and Hounds Dec 18 , 2016

PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 2:49 pm
by hawaiidirtrider
Here's our last race on Oahu at our riding park on the north shore. It was a nice day after some weeks of raining so we all were happy.. it is still wet but much nicer than the full storm that we were expecting. Hawaii Hare and Hounds have always been extreme enduros. ..That's just how it's been so it's not as much fast as much as technical and sort of more just who finishes with all their checks is considered a win even if you didn't actually win. I did well last year but this year I didn't finish..but I still loved every minute of it.. I just have to be in better shape for the next one. I have a good benchmark/gauge for being fit . There are alot of Betas in Hawaii.. not so many 4 strokes but tons of 2 strokes.. this is 2 stroke country and the beta enduros and xtrainers are popular. They work very well for technical as I figure you guys all know who own them. It went from I being the only rider with a Beta a few years ago to now there's tons of them.. well they are common and known about at least. Anyway Here's a friends vid to start who has a Beta who thankfully got his gopro to work where mine was screwed up and was locked.Thanks!!! I got a little footage later but it wasn't that good..but a little with Beta anyway. I put my friends and mine and then a playlist of the race so one can get an idea of the race. ... PL_jVh-z2P

Re: Kahuku Hare and Hounds Dec 18 , 2016

PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 1:11 am
by hawaiidirtrider ... PL_jVh-z2P more from our race in December..I think I missed this one..