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Impatient while recovering from surgery

PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 7:21 pm
by Coloradoenduro
Hello all,

I have been on strict dr. Imposed limits for the past month due to a hernia. I asked about riding before the surgery and the following is a quote. "You can ride just don't put the bike down otherwise, part of your intestine can come shooting out if you try to pick up the bike and this would be a serious situation if it happens in the mountains". He was attempting to talk me out of riding. The only thing that I heard was " don't put it down". Anyway, I got my last pre surgery ride in 2 weeks ago and didn't have any problems. I had surgery Last Friday and won't be able to ride again for 4 weeks. I'm not a patient person but will follow instructions. At least I can use this time to play around with the needle and clip position so that I can lean it up a bit. It was 80F at 9,000' asl during the last outing and she was running too rich.

I'll need to get back into shape and this starts on Friday. I'll stick to cardio until my weight restrictions are removed.

Probably not the right forum but I'm even considering breaking out the mountain bike to help with my cardio....

Lesson learned from this experience: I'm 51 and just because I can shrug 300+ LBS, doesn't mean that I should. I guess that's part of aging.

In the interim, please keep posting the nice pics and cool videos!

Re: Impatient while recovering from surgery

PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 7:58 pm
by Johnno
I never, ever do exactly ( or sometimes even remotely ) what my doctor or surgeons say*. I put it down to being an idiot.

I've only ever regretted it a bit, a couple of times.

* This is in no way shape or form a green light to ignore medical advice.