Making a headlight blanking plate

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Making a headlight blanking plate

Postby beta250rrowner » Sun Oct 10, 2021 4:47 am

If you are like me and don't want to risk smashing up a headlight, you will have removed the headlight from the front of you're bike.

However, this leaves various electrical connections vulnerable to dirt thrown up by bikes in front (if you are riding motocross) and in general makes the bike look rather tatty.

I got this idea awhile ago and decided to buy a piece of plastic from ebay ... 2857159200

I don't recommend this type as it is rather brittle, I think "abs" plastic is what you should use, from what I've read.

Anyway, I set about "fabricating" (if you can call roughly hacking off corners with a hacksaw to make it fit "fabrication") and got this rather ugly shape


ImageIMG_20211010_102005_194 by a a, on Flickr

I then drilled two holes and put hte screws through.

ImageIMG_20211010_121955_904 by a a, on Flickr

Finished product

ImageIMG_20211010_122003_063 by a a, on Flickr

It looks good from the front angle, but from a side angle, you can see there are gaps.

This blanking plate only protects the bike from dirt head on, as there is no way to make it wrap around.

It is also quite brittle, so I am going to redo it with abs plastic, but as a proof of concept, it works.

I did try buying a number board from Beta, but it was for the newer bikes and slots into the front fender (as with my 2014) and fits with a single bolt in the top.

I am likely going to use this as a template and buy some abs plastic which I believe is what off road bike plastics are made out of and use that for this.
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